Keep Our Dreams Alive, And We Will Survive "by:(@Michieyoo)ミシェル"

Jumat, 19 April 2013

My Favorite Photos "( i think)"

I’m happy and I know it

I’m Full of Peace J

But I like to sleep :D 

When I Miss My Mom <3 nbsp="" span="">

K(M)iss You

I Wish I Have A Dream


Aku bernafas , tapi aku tidak hidup
Aku melihat, tapi pikiranku kosong
Aku membaca, tapi aku lupa
Aku mendengar, tapi mengabaikan
Aku serba salah…
Aku bersikap menyebalkan..
Kemana aku yang dulu?
Penuh semangat?
Aku yang hilang? Atau semangatku?
Aku bernafas.. tapi mungkin ada sesuatu dari dalam diriku yang mati.

Jumat, 12 April 2013



Friendship for me is that we can each act silly all the time and still love each other even though sometimes there are fights but never vindictive, always forgiving, always willing to help, mutual sacrifice, more than a girlfriend or boyfriend. friendship was more beautiful and more lasting. :")
